
Monday, March 28, 2011

Monogrammed Cups---DIY!!!

Monogrammed cups are EVERYWHERE!  I love them :)  They are a little pricey though.  I decided to make my own, but need some inspiration!  I loved all of these:
Cute huh?  $16...pass

These are from Anthropologie...$6 a little better :)
  P.S. I watch Steven and Chris everyday and this is what they drink out of their guests always get one too!  Too cute!

I have seen some cute pics where they spell LOVE or GROW with plants inside.  This would be a cute way to ask a girl to marry you or tell someone you are expecting ;)

Needless to say, I don't want to pay $6 for a mug (I don't even drink coffee!)

So, I had 8 white mugs from my dishes set. (Corelle dishes are the BEST EVER!!  They don't chip and it takes a lot to break them.)  I bought a few more from GW for $.29 each.  Found these Porcelain pens courtesy of a cute little blog called Design Mom.  They are from Dick Blick or any other crafting store.  My pile started out like this:

Followed the pen directions and ended up with these:
 I still have a few mugs left to do, but I love them and I think I am going to make some for Christams and give them as gifts!  These pens also write on crocks, so I numbered mine!!

 -Make your life beautiful!


  1. I love the numbers! Did you stencil them or draw freehand?

  2. So cute! I made some, too!

    The numbers are really great!

  3. They look great i love the number ones!

  4. I love the numbered mugs! I have had bad luck with painting on anything other than wood, paper, and plastic. The paint or ink always smears. Did you have any problems with that?

  5. Love the numbered cups...I will have to try this!! So cute!!

  6. New follower from Love the mugs!


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