
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

20 Followers!! Oh, the sanding we will go....

After sanding some spots for way too long, I Mr. TSL convinced me decided that we need to just lay down flooring. :(  I took some pics of my progress and when I said ten years to sand the floor, I was exaggerating.
I thought. 
Apparently, 10 years worth of sanding may have been spot on.  

Here is what it use to look like: (before my carpet demo)

This is a pic before we bought the house.
The dining room is the lighter carpet, it was very plush (probably top quality carpet in 1987).  The kitchen was tile-patterned carpet.  I randomly started pulling up the carpet last week and this is what I have been working on.

WARNING: these pics are not lovely, but they are the very real mess I have in the kitchen.

please note the super cute eyeball peaking at you on the left!

This was like the 4th pile of this crap I scraped off/swept up!!

That tiny section took me 30 minutes and 2 ibuprofen to complete. 
After the scraping, I tried to sand a section. 30 minutes and a 6x6 area was clear.  6 inch by 6 inch...not 6 feet. Boo. 

I could totally paint the dining room floor, but the kitchen floor is a combo of old glue and foam residual....YUCK.

For a while I thought about tiling everything, but I really want a wood floor.

A while back I was figuring the square footage of the area, it has some weird spaces so it was like piecing areas together and adding them up.  I measured the inches, multiplied length x width.  Got that number and divided by 12 (you are actually suppose to divide by 144-a square foot)....yes, I was/am a math teacher. I blame it on Audrey, 7 months ago my brain was functional. Now it's spotty at best, apparently nursing makes your brain not function properly. 

For a few minutes maybe weeks, I was thinking we had to come up with around 1000 square feet of flooring. It's actually around 400sf.  I know my wicked math skills make you jealous!

We are going to just buy the flooring and lay it down to cover the giant mess in the dining room.  I told Mr. TSL that it had to be done before July 2.  We are having his family reunion at our place because we are right off the lake.  It will either be done or mid-June I am painting no matter what!!

  Mr. TSL has always been a stickler for real hardwood, I am okay with laminate---as long as it's nice laminate.  Not the crap.  We talked and I found some pretty nice flooring on eBay for around $2 per square foot.  I am going to keep looking, but I am thinking as soon as we save up the money this is what we're getting!!

I found some really pretty floors on eBay!!

I leave you with my curtain inspiration from Inspired by Charm
I am going to do this in the living room on the big window!
I love the square head nails used to hold the dummy panels up!!

-Make your life beautiful!!

1 comment:

  1. Kari,

    I was actually found some nice flooring at BuildDirect. Got 5 samples in the mail for FREEE. shipping and all.

    And I love Mike's room redo at inspired by charm. SOO CUTE!


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