
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chalkboard doors and a flub up!

A while back I decided to paint my flat builders-grade pantry/laundry room doors with chalkboard paint.  I never did get around to doing it...mama's got a big list of to do's and a teething 7 month old!  I was commited to painting the stairs though!  I went to Wal-Mart to get some porch paint for the stairs. 

While I am at Wal-Mart I see Krylon Chalkboard Paint on clearance near the spray paint (yes, I have another project and I needed spray paint for it---don't judge me---...that will be a later post-when I eventually get to it!) !

I retails at Wal-Mart for around $9 and it was marked down to $5.  PURCHASED :)

This was my inspiration:
Love the pulls turned upside down to hold chalk!
This is what I started with:
Now they look like this:
Super cute and functional!!  I was going to write something inspirational or draw something fabulous, but this is what they will almost always look like.  I have kids and they are having fun with this :)

And now to my flub up!!  I wrote down the color for my paint choice for the stairs.  Went to Wal-Mart and apparently Benjamin Moore makes more than one color with that name in different shades of green...what the crazy?!?  So, I buckled and picked one.  As soon as he opened the can I knew it was wrong.  But, he said it should darken up when it dries.  I knew this was wrong, but I was going on no sleepy-teething baby and I just wanted to leave Wal-Mart.

That was DUMB!!!
The color was more like mint-gag adn almost matched the current paint in the dining room and kitchen.  Crap!  Back to Wal-Mart (BTW they take back paint if you don't like it!) I did however paint the steps and live with the old color for about 5 minutes before I vetoed it and drove right back to Wal-Mart.  20 minutes and gas is like a thousand dollars a gallon!! I color matched a green Army blanket Mr. TSL has and repainted when I got home.  I will show you them, when they are done!  For now, here's the ugly paint!

not a fan of this paint color!

Painting them is not a permanent fix, but rather a temporary/semi-don't-know-when-we're-going-to-get-to-it-fix.  Because of that reason, I am not priming the steps, I figure the porch paint will do. I was going to paint every other step, but I have little girls and I don't think they could remember/actually get up the stairs without a step between, so I am painting half then finishing them the next day!

-make your life beautiful!


  1. well I do like the chalkboard painted doors. I wanted to do that to mine, but they are paneled and it wouldn't work.
    and yes, that is not a good color for the stairs. ;-)

  2. grrr...just hate it when the paint color is not as expected. Hang in there!

  3. Loving the door transformation. Can't wait to see your other projects. I joined as your newest follower...would love it if you visit me and decide to follow as well. Looking forward to getting to know you.

  4. Thank you for sharing this experience at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop :) Yes, it's important to listen to your gut-feel. Btw, I like the chalkboard - very functional.


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