
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pottery Barn Lantern Knock Off---from picture Frames!!!

I have wanted to change the f-ugly light in our bedroom since the day we moved in!
I finally got around to changing it a few weeks ago..I know, I know, I could have shared this idea with you a few weeks ago, but life has been crazy around here!!  The kids are out of school and momma isn't getting her blog on as often!

I made this PB Knock Off Lantern out of old picture frames!!!!

It was inspired by these lanterns from Pottery Barn:
Pottery Barn Gothic Lantern
Pottery Barn Blacksmith Taper Lantern
 The idea came to me on the toilet. No kidding. No, I wasn't going...I was giving Audrey a bath and one of the pictures I had hanging above the toilet fell off and hit me in the back of the head.  The glass broke...this was like the 4th time I had replaced the glass in that one frame.  I was out of donor glass and was a little irritated.  I was looking at it asking myself what to do with them, when it hit me.  No, it another one didn't fall and hit me..I had the idea hit me!

I was going to make a lantern from old picture frames!!

Don't worry I got Audrey out of the bath before I started all this!!

Here's how it was made:

Step 1: Have a picture frame fall on your head Collect 4 matching picture frames.  Mine were 8x10 frames, you can choose smaller or larger-the lantern police won't arrest you for not following directions!

Can you guess which one broke?!? :)

Step 2: Collect your supplies. I used hot glue, gorilla glue, a speed square, needle nose pliers, and painters tape!
Apparently I didn't picture all my supplies-ADD kicking in!
Step 3: Remove all the glass and "guts" of the picture frame and the little metal tabs that hold it all in. (Please note: if you plan to leave the glass in the lantern, you should leave the little tabs in-but I didn't think about that before I removed all mine!)

Step 4: Use your speed square or other 90 degree angle tool to keep it square and put on the Gorilla Glue, then quickly shoot some hot glue on the ends, just to keep it in place.  I'm sure there is an easier way, but I try to look for the hardest way possible and do it that way.  I usually open packages and then find the easy 'pull here to open it' spot!
Sorry it's blurry! 
Step 5:  Repeat step 4 until it looks something like this
Step 6: Tape around the sides with painters tape to keep it together while the glue dries.  When all sides are done, you should have something like this.
Yes, that's the grout stirring paddle in the background!

Step 7: Find some light source to donate it's guts to your new lantern!  I picked this one up from H4H for $5.
Step 8: Forget to take all pictures for the rest of this blog...sorry!
After I took the H4H light apart I attached eyelet screws on the corners of my frame cube and ran chain I had from a previous project (like 3 years ago) from the eyelet screw to the ring on the top of the H4H light.  Spray painted it all black and had it sit for like 2 weeks before I picked up the wire nuts, so Mr. TSL could hang it.

Here is the light that was there before: GAG!!

And Now:

-Make your life beautiful!

Skip to my Lou


Adiamond in the Stuff
Coastal Charm

Weekly Parties I Crash

  craftThe Graphics FairySumo Sweet Stuff Boogieboard CottageBecolorful Making  
PhotobucketStrictly Homemade Tuesday My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia Anything Related LINKPARTYBUTTON

a beach cottageDragonfly Designs Creations by KaraThe Trendy Treehouse
NightOwlCraftingShow and Tell Green  

giveawaysMy Repurposed LifeTransformation Thursday A Little Knick KnackBeyond The Picket FenceHouseofHepworths
It's a KeeperSuzy's Artsy Craftsy Sitcom  

Furniture Feature FridaysmonogramBubbly Nature Lovely Crafty HomeTidy Mom I'm Lovin It Fridays Chic on a Shoestring DecoratingCraft GoodiesPhotobucketTickled Pink at 504 Main Designer GardenStuff and Nonsense  

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

UndertheTableandDreaming The DIY Show Off


  1. So creative! Love the Mr and Mrs above your closets.

  2. oh my gosh this is brilliant...

    Would luv for our readers to discover this.
    please add it to our linking party here
    Have a great week,

  3. A very clever idea! It looks just as good, if not better, than the one at Pottery Barn! Lesa

  4. Such a great idea!!! Thanks so much for linking!

  5. I would love to see this at my party.

    I am just reminding everyone about tonights link party that runs Friday evening through Mondays!
    I also have an ongoing give away link party now too.
    Hope to see you soon.
    come strut your stuff

  6. You. Are. Brilliant. Seriously!!! I'm going "WOW". :) Where in my house can I do this........

  7. This is a fun idea! I would love to have you come to Remodelaholic to do a guest post about this. If you are interested would you please let me know? And I will get you all the details!


  8. So cute, love it!! It looks like this a very requested post ;) and no wonder, it is brilliant! We would love to have you link up with us too, our link up party starts tomorrow!! Hope to see you there :)

  9. You are a genius. Nothing less then a genius. Great idea. Looks so good. Love the Mr and Mrs sign above the door too!!!

  10. I am so impressed by your creativity...I would have never thought about using picture frames!! Great work!

    Thanks so much for linking back to my site's so appreciated :)

    I featured this today on my blog...come grab a "featured" button!

  11. Too cute! And wow thats a ton of parties girl. How do you find time for anything else!?

  12. Loved your post so much I featured you this week at my Weekly Link Party

    Feel free to stop by and grab a button!!

    Allison @ <a href=">House of Hepworths</a>

  13. Thanks for linking up at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop. Just letting you know that I've pinned this in Pinterest and featured it today here. Please feel free to grab the feature button on my sidebar :)

  14. Genius!!! Love it!! I am visiting from Tatertots and Jello and I am a new follower!!! I would love if you would come by my blog today or tomorrow morning and link this up to my Delicately Constructed party!!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  15. Kari- I think I am going to try this with my foyer lights! I can't stand them and was telling Hubs the other day I was thinking of spray painting them, but this removes the whole worrying about getting the glass with the spray paint thing...clever, clever, girl!;) Thanks for the tip!!!!!!!!

  16. Great job on your lamp - what a cool idea! I have this linked to my lamps & lights post too today, well done!


I love all your comments! Thank you for stopping by :)