
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Trim should paint itself...

I have been working on the trim since last week. Not working hard.  Just when I feel like it can.  After I got the big wall done, it hasn't been that awful.

I have been painting it in chunks.  Only as far as the amount of cardboard I have to shove underneath the trim to protect the living room crapet (yep, I know I typed crapet....because that's what it is)  I am so excited to replace the crapet with wood flooring.

On an up note, the white trim only helps me to hate the crapet instead of loathing it! That's right, I'm a positive Patsy and not a negative Nancy.  (Please, note Patsy and Nancy are lovely names)

I feel like this project has been crippling me for so long....I just keep dragging it out.  I am going to try to finish it by tonight.  But, I can only work on it when Audrey is sleeping.  She likes to touch the wet paint and then try to feed it to me.  It's not delicious.

Since I am leaving you lacking in the pic department, I will show you my wish list for this room.

The couch and the ottoman!
The chairs!
Still working on those shelves :)

Display on the piano!

Love the number pillows, and the horse pic!

I love the pattern, the chair is okay.  I like a more modern chair, but the print is LURVE!
Working on this too!

-Make your life beautiful!


  1. I love the chair and ottomen from your first pic, too. Have you checked out Ikea? They have a set that looks really close to that (they even have a leather tuffeted one!) for pretty inexpensive (at least as far as a clean-lined sofa and ottomen go). Miss you! Oh, and I did put up some blackout curtains in Lk's room and so's helped. :)

  2. I must admit...I now want the chairs from your second picture. Oh, and the globe idea on the top shelf of the first has me thinking...seriously, you always give me ideas of projects I should start!

  3. I love those chairs in the second picture!!

  4. I once spent an entire summer painting all of the trim in my parent's house white (ALL OF IT). It was all stained that dark color that everyone seemed to love in the late 70s. 3 to 4 coats on everything.

    Basically, what I'm trying to say is, I feel your pain... oh god how I feel it :)

    It's totally worth it though... it will look amaze-balls!


I love all your comments! Thank you for stopping by :)