
Monday, May 14, 2012

mama needs some opinions....

So, I am working on knocking some stuff off my living room list.  This week I am working on the entry way.

It usually looks like this....on an organized day.  Of course, I have changed the artwork due to my decorating ADD.  I have at least completed painting the trim white :)

This was a huge upgrade from what the house originally looked like when we moved in and the piles of crap/junk that made it look completely unorganized.  I have since decided that this is too unorganized for me and that since we have a large closet in the living room, all of these lovely things can be hidden stored in said closet!

Mommy needs a more grown-up entryway.  :)

Mr. TSL has this super old dresser that he grew up with and his mom redid and I'm sure it was nice until he got a hold of it.  It's a giant eyesore now.  But, I can fix it!! :)  He decided to bumper sticker it.  I loathe bumper stickers.  It's not that I don't laugh at a good one, but overall I just despise them.  They don't look good on furniture either.

It looked like this before:

My original plan was to paint the shell of it gray/grey and stain the drawers dark wood.  Something like this:

this will be the color of our new floor too! :)  It's not in :(

Then, I saw this from East Coast Creative formerly The Real housewives of Bucks County:

And I am thinking it would look great all gray/grey sort of like this, but with the drawers missing like the one above:


See our living room is laid out like this:

-Make your life beautiful!!

The lovely pictures are all from my living room board on pinterest.

1 comment:

  1. I'd go with something like the numbered drawers. I can't tell you how nice it is to be able to get things out of sight. Then maybe you can find a nice simple wall hutch for above or possible add a scrapbooked wipe off family calendar above. I have one over on my blog or you can check pinterest. I'm excited to see your new entryway!!


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