
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

An Ode to PB-Pottery Barn Knock-Off Belgium Train Signs

Oh Pottery Barn how I long for thee,
I want your items, but it can't be,
I can make them for a fraction of the price,
They're not exact, but still very nice!

I added some rope to my signs 
from my original post! 

These signs were soooo cute!!  I saw the pics and love love loved them!!

This is what theirs looks like:
And here is mine:
Mine cost $4!!!  The silly twig wreath was made from an old 8x10 pic frame, hot glue, zip ties, and twigs from my yard :)

  The twig wreath took a dive while I was puttying the cracked drywall and putting the rope up! :(

Make your like beautiful!  :)


  1. i can't wait to see your version of the scrap pallet wall, i never thought i wanted that rustic look but it is pretty cool now that it's there. I am torn...
    I am worried that it makes things to dark. Your dining room wall will probably take 50 pallets, btw!! Mine took over 20 and it was crazy!

  2. Cute sign and twig wreath.
    I've looked around your've got great ideas!


  3. this turned out great!

  4. Love the poem! Well done knock-off. I love PB hacks!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Your signs look great! Nice job!
    Love the poem, too ;)
    I'm glad you linked to my party; do me a favor and add my link to your posts, ok? Thanks.
    (sorry about the oops comment above)


I love all your comments! Thank you for stopping by :)