
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pair of Chairs Redo :)

I have to start out by saying I am in love with these chairs:

They are the cat's meow!!  I have longed for these for 4 years now and I can't commit to buying them because they are so highly priced!  I keep hoping someone stumbles upon them and hates them...sells them in their garage sale, and they come to live a long, well-loved life with me :)

Until then, you use what you have.  So, I took a pair of these chairs:
and turned them into this:

This will have to do until my dream chairs make their way to my home!

This weekend we were blessed with fantastic weather and a skid-steer!  Our huge garage is getting a much-needed concrete floor.  The workers asked if they could leave the skid-steer at our house over the weekend.  Mr. TSL said sure can you leave the keys.  (He knows how to drive one because he is a manly man, who knows how to work all things with a motor!!)  So our back yard area went from looking like this:

You can't tell, but the ground is completely uneven and had a drainage problem before and a strange row of dead trees and brush.  There were also 5 huge tractor tires filled with sand and random plants. I want to tell you all this, with love, TIRES ARE NOT A CLASSY PLANTER FOR ANY YARD!! I have big dreams for the sunporch, but for now this is the roof on it.  More to come on the sunporch ideas.
Now it looks like this:

Looks like mud and dirt, but I see what it will look like ;) 
Make your life beautiful

1 comment:

  1. Hi:) I came across your blog at sassy sites and i love it! keep the great ideas coming:) Come visit my blog:
    Im going to tell people about your awesome blog over on mine!! Be sure to grab one of my buttons:)


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