
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Free stools get a makeover

We have a little bar edge on the island in our kitchen.  It needed some stools for the girls to eat breakfast at adn   I long for these bar stools.
 Mr. TSL is working on hooking me up with some of these!  I love being married to a manly man who knows his way around a welder and other power tools!!

Until then, I was just going to have the girls sit at the table. (I am getting tired of cleaning dried milk out of the cracks of the table!)  In steps my mom-she brings me lots of "dumpster/road find furniture"!!  She gets it honestly, my grandpa is the king of "road kill" finds.  He once found a cooler with cold beer in it. Drank the beer. Still have the cooler. 

Got a little sidetracked- back to the stool situation.  She brings me these that some one was throwing out at her apartment.
The one on the right is in perfect condition, but the one on the left had this nasty looking problem-not sure what it was, but here's a close up.

But, I redid them and now they are so cute!! 

I wiped them down with liquid de-sander I picked up at H4H (Habitat for Humanity) for $3.  Slapped on some oil based primer and sprayed them with some white spray paint I had and stenciled SIT. on them :)


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  1. So cute!! While I love counter benches, I gotta say those stools that your hubby is going to make you are just as cool!! And in the meantime these two that you made over are super cute! I LOVE that you wrote "sit" on them; how darling. And to me NOTHING beats free!

  2. Aw that is super cute. I love those spiral stools. Really unconventional but totally awesome. Free is wonderful!

  3. I love the spiral stools as well ! Good job on yours.

  4. How fun to stencil "Sit" onto the chairs. Their cute and unique, I love them:)

  5. Hi Kari - I think I am going to try your seat stencil idea on the stool I am trying to finish. It is red with lots of wear but the seat had stick on floor tile. I've cleaned it, sanded it and put on 2 coats of primer. Next step some good paint. Then I think stencil. Thanks for the idea.
    - Joy


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