
Thursday, June 9, 2011

It was a 10 armed, 10 light, hanging purple fancy chandie...

Hayley is on a role this week with the zingers.  The other day it was "Mom, all you do is decorate, cook, and clean."  Today she says, "Why do you never finish any of your projects?"  Burn.  So to Hayley....I finished one, nana nana boo boo, stick your head in doo doo. Yeah, I said it...I told my almost 7 year old to stick her head in doo doo.  Okay, not really, but I did, very maturally, stick my tongue out at her :) 

Now to my flying purple people eater purple chandelier and mirrors!! 
I picked up a brass chandelier at H4H (habitat for humanity) a few weeks back for $10.  They had a HUGE one that I wanted really really bad....but it was $70, and I wasn't willing to pay that for a hallway chandelier. 

I picked up a 2 cans of Krylon purple spray paint and ended up with this fabulous chandelier! 

Here's what it looked like before:
This is with a coat of primer---the camera ran out of batteries and I was too impatient to wait to start painting!
Then to finish (yes Hayley, I said finish)  the hallway I painted some mirrors we had with the rest of the purple spray paint and instant drama!

I was laying on my dining room floor to try to get all of it in this shot!

The top mirror is an interesting find.  It was actually at our house when we moved in.  It is a sun looking thing made out of old cans...yes old cans.  Like the longest pieces are from a baked beans can, then the next is from a green bean can and so on....  They look to have been cut with tin snips.  It was rusting and just hanging in the back room.  I had an idea to add a mirror from a compact to the center (the only cheap round mirror I could think of).  So, I carefully pried the mirror out and glued it in the center.  I had originally painted the can part with some bronze I already had, but when I started this I knew it was getting some purple!

Here are a few more pics of the whole shebang:

Thank you to my dad for hanging the purple chandelier and to my mom who painted the stairwell a billion years ago, and no I never put it on the blog...I dripped paint on the steps and finally just covered it the other day!!

-Make your life beautiful!

Skip to my Lou


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  1. Such a classic zinger....well said!! I too have a bad problem with having several projects going at once and not finishing them as quickly as I takes time, what can I say.

  2. Kari
    Fabulous idea! I think the purple looks sooo great!
    Nice job.

  3. Oh my goodness, the purple is fabulous!!! And I laughed so hard at what your daughter said to you!! My son keeps getting annoyed by all my painting because it means my projects are taking over the garage and he can't roller blade in there. the other night he sighed and said "Mom, are you going to paint EVERYTHING in our house?" ha ha

  4. Holy cow!! That is amazing. I love how daring you are with color. Looks wonderful and I love the can mirror.

  5. It's great! The purple is "the color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication - it is also feminine and romantic."

  6. The purple painted decor is sweet! super duper sweet. That can mirror item is da boss! Love the nana boo boo, poo,poo thing Ha Ha ahahah. I do the same thing with my 12 yr old son. Only I really say it! Boys LOVE that stuff... makes their day (I have four sons)

  7. The purple is such a neat idea~ what a great pop of color!! Stopping by from FJI tonight~ would love for you to come share this at Feathered Nest Friday sometime :)

  8. Wow! How fun. Purple is my favorite color (:

  9. LOVE this! I'm going to the H4H Restore for the first time with a friend tomorrow and I'm SO excited! I love the chandelier and the color is fantastic! I also like that you have the mirrors all the way down by the floor -- very cute!

  10. love that awesome purple it looks great come see what I shared at

  11. I love the color you chose for the chandelier Kari. Purple is one of my favorites. Spray paint is the bomb, isn't it? :)

  12. I love the coordinating of the chandelier and mirrors - great idea!

  13. I love this! I gotta go to restore....I have been wanting a chandelier like this one. And the can mirror sounds like a great project idea....

  14. I love a painted chandelier!! Cute choice with the purple!

  15. We've been painting our chandeliers. The one in the art studio is royal blue now from gold. The dining room chandelier is now black with crystals from gold. A bedroom chandelier is currently being painted light green from brown. Your purple one is beautiful. It is the same style as the one we have in our art studio.


I love all your comments! Thank you for stopping by :)