
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Splash of Red and a Visit from a Turtle :)

Original title for the post: Splash of red and a little visitor.....then I reread it in my head and it sounded like I was announcing getting my monthly friend!  Gross.

After the remodel of the front bathroomI recently decided that it needed some color and red it was!  I picked up 3 red towels from  Target...they are super soft and bright fire engine red.  However, they suck because the leave red lint all over you when you get out of the shower.  Even after being washed like 10 times!!

I also picked up some vintage badminton rackets at the GeeDub (Goodwill) for 99 cents each, they have the perfect chippy red paint on them and found  home in the potty as well!

find the seahorse art how to here

Then I switched up some art and added this:

The rug before:

I know the green floor in the kitchen is looking a little shabby and not in a shabby chic way :(
The rug after a little painters tape and some paint!

I am totally in love with the mini transformation of this bathroom, while the master bath gets a huge transformation.  Here is the latest pic of the's ready for tile tonight!

Now for the visit from the turtle..... we are turtle savers here.  We stop our vehicle on the side of the road and always help the turtle to the side of the road he was pointing.  Yes, I have gotten peed on doing this and no, it's not always safe, but we love turtles!  I would have a bumper sticker that said, "I brake for Turtles!"  if I didn't think bumper stickers were grotesque.  

 So, on the last day of school for the girls we were pleasantly surprised to get a visit from this guy on our porch.  Before I could grab the camera he was trying to hide with our concrete turtle Myrtle.

-Make your life beautiful!!


  1. So fab-you-lus!!!

  2. Whew, so glad it wasn't a period post! HAHA! I love all the touches of red! the rug looks awesome with the painted stripes. That little turtle makes me nostalgic; when I was a kid they used to come in our yard all the time. One lived in our yard for like a year; we named it Shelly and fed it lettuce. Thanks for the trip down memory lane! :)

  3. Your bathroom looks great. Love the stripes and the touches of red.


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