Wednesday, March 28, 2012

barn door baby gate

i know, i have been m.i.a for a while....but, i'm back baby!!  i have so much to blog about :)

first, on the block today is our knew barn door baby gate. our stairs are extremely wide, so a baby gate wouldn't did, however, when placed next to an empty pampers box.  classy, i know.  wish i had pics of that...not.  i know, i just went all 1996 on you with the not.  that's how i roll.

i designed, well more like told mr. tsl what i wanted, and he made it at school.

here were the stairs before:

and after the new barn door baby gate:

total for the barn door baby gate:  $5 for hardware.  the door itself is made of old pallet wood!

 now for a fun little new baby gate story.....

audrey likes to play in the dog food and water.  she use to run to it grab a handful of dog food and immediately throw it into the water before she got in trouble.  for the most part now she leaves it alone, with the exception of when you say wash your hands it's dinner time.  she washes her hands in it and then wipes her wet hands on my pants.  she does this every night.  every night, i say "no...that's so gross," and then wash her hands in the sink.  yes, i could grab her before i say wash your hands, but i am usually finishing up dinner.  plus, it's kind of funny and i have to wash her hands anyway. :)

back to the dog food. harley, our border collie, would jump over the classy pampers box to get to her food when the baby gate/pampers blockade was in place.  mr. tsl put the new gate up which is lower on the baby gate side, but a few inches higher on the pampers part side.

here is a pic to illustrate that:

the first day the barn door baby gate is up, harley decides to eat.  now, i didn't see this happen, but i sure heard it.  harley went to her usual side and attempted to jump over the gate....she did not clear it. not even a little.  which makes me snort laugh even thinking about it!!  anyhow, she then walked back to lay down by the front door very slowly with her head hung in shame, or pain...not sure which.  i opened the baby gate for her and she still didn't feel like going up there.  she just laid in front of the door for a while.

i can only equate her embarrassment/pain to my own.  i have many a time hurt myself and just sat back down.  once, i was attempting to flip off our diving board at my childhood home and took, well for-freakin-ever.  i finally get the balls to flip and smack right onto my back. this was uber embarrassing and extremely painful i just sat in the pool by the ladder for quite a while....this was all caught on tape. awesome.

so harley, i feel your pain, but will continue to laugh when people/pets do stupid things!

-make your life beautiful!!

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  1. I love this barn door cute! Baby gates can be so ugly, but yours looks great! :)

  2. I love this! I'm adding it to my husband's "Honey PLEASE do" list! :) Thanks for sharing.

  3. Very creative! Thanks for sharing at Handmade Tuesdays.


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